
Friday, 8 March 2019

how students able to respect our environment?

How are students able to respect our environment? The future of our environment is riding on the shoulders of today’s youth. 

 When students make sure that their school is clean they are helping our world be a healthy environment. When you see rubbish on the ground pick it up and put it in the right bin. Once you see lots of rubbish around have some respect, pick it up and chuck it in the bin. Also, by making sure you help each other clean up when you are at home or someplace else.

 When picking up rubbish it is really good to put it in the right bin, here is what bin the right rubbish goes in. fruit waste goes in the red bin/ waste bin, hard cardboard and other hard rubbish goes in the yellow bin and lastly the soft plastic goes inside the black bin.

 When seeing people who is stuck seeing which bin the rubbish goes in have some respect and go u and help them out don’t just walk past them, help them then it will be easy for other people.
 Picking up rubbish anywhere not only a school.

Picking up rubbish at school is okay but how about picking up rubbish in the streets and at home it could be yuck but it is also good picking up anywhere and not only in school so that means picking up rubbish in the streets and at home.

 When walking past rubbish at school people will pick it up but walking past rubbish at home or anywhere else some people won’t even pick they will just :

Picking up rubbish anywhere not only at school. If picking rubbish is easy at school then it should be okay picking up rubbish at home or the streets. I know that picking up rubbish is yuck but then the environment will be ugly and nasty, but still pick up the rubbish in the streets and at home.

 Here you have it all four reasons why students need to respect our environment and become part of the solution. Make sure you follow these steps and keep our environment beautiful and clean. The End.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nevayah,

    I really love how you have used second person ( "you") and one idea per paragraph in this piece of writing. It made it easier and more interesting for me to read. Next time you could work on using a range of sentence types and lengths in your writing and checking that your sentences are nice and clear. Lets keep "putting it in the right bin"!
